Anyone out there? Hello? IS anyone out there?!!
I have figured out that when the counter on my blogger stopped at 110 - that I somehow lost the competitive spirit I have. All of a sudden there was no record to beat or meet the challenge of. Well, o.k. maybe that wasn't the problem - maybe it was my lazy spirit these days. Or it could have been exhaustion. Well, guess what - I am still exhausted and unchallenged, but I thought I better get to it and write. It is been yet another month since I wrote and I am embarased.
What is there for me to write about this beautiful day - well the first thing that comes to mind is uniformity. I was thinking today that we are as a human race somewhat conditioned into being uniformed. Things have to look right, look good and line up. I was at a builder's clearance place today looking for flooring to take over where my livingroom carpets have left off. I found bundles of mix-matched hardwood and laminate floorings. I was thinking I could mix and match the colours and textures to somehow create a uniquely designed floor. It could look quite good if it was designed carefully. Then again, it could look absolutley awful. What might look worse is the idea my friend Louise had of putting pieces of board down in a mix-matched design. Then I knew I lived in a somewhat uniformed world - yes even me. Hmmmmm... why can't I live on a limb and just go crazy and create something totally un-uniformed?